14 September 2005

Advancing treatments for adrenal cancer

Troy from our support group started a huge project for ACC. Read about information on the Advancing Treatments for Adrenal Cancer (ATAC). Thank you, Troy, for all your efforts and encouragement. By the way, Troy is a 6+ year survivor and is a 3-surgery veteran of ACC!!!


A wanderer is not always lost.

I told my doctor that I was feeling tired and asked her advice about taking a break from my life. She said that nothing was wrong with taking a break so I took her advice and went to Europe for three weeks. I boarded a plane for Spain and planned on a road trip by bus that would start in Seville and end in Lisbon. It was a nice escape from life.Upon returning, my flight was delayed so I missed my appointment with Dr. Quinn. I plan to meet with him eventually. The fall quarter is always overwhelming since school ended back in June and my brain cells were on hiatus since then. I teach a religous class part time. The class consists of a very philosophical bunch of 10 and 11 year olds. Not to brag but there is a waiting list to be in my class of 31 students. Okay so we're understaffed but a handful of my students have been requesting me for the past three years. I teach them to have the faith that I sometimes feel I don't have. We sit in a round table discussion talking about God and life. A comment that I always get is that they like my class because I actually listen and I don't tell them what they should do. I try to make it fun since the subject can be challenging for such a young group. You'd be surprise how smart they are at that age. Those with kids probably already know this. And did I mention that I am one year closer to getting my teaching credential? Ever look back at what you've done and wonder how in the world did I get all that accomplished? Because I don't remember what I did and how I did it but I have been there and done that. And still there is much more to be done. I talked about organizing member web pages and linking them to mine and I apologize for not accomplishing this. My goal was to put a face, or rather faces, to Adrenal Cancer. This is still on my list of things to complete. And again I will get approval from all who sent me their info before making anything final. Well, I am back. I haven't checked my mail in almost a month. My new email is: cureacc at gmail dot com.