01 October 2004

Seize the Day

My mother's mom, my grandmother, Marcela, died due to pancreatic cancer in 1972. My aunt Aida also died to pancreatic cancer just two years ago. The list goes on with friends and other family members who continue to fight different types of cancer and my heart goes out to everyone. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and right now would be a good time to examine your beautiful self, especially your breasts. If you don't already do a regular breast self-examination (BRE), start doing it each month. So seize today and seize your breasts!

Earlier Detection Methods from y-me.org:
Get a routine mammogram. Y-ME, a National Breast Cancer Organization recommends that women begin annual mammography screening at age 40. Women under 40 with either a family history of breast cancer or other concerns about their personal risk should consult a medical professional about when to begin mammography.
See your medical professional on a regular basis. A clinical breast examination should be part of your routine checkup. Beginning at age 20 women should have a clinical breast exam every 2 to 3 years. Women age 40 and older should have one every year.
Perform breast self-examination once a month. If you find something that you know is unusual for you, have a doctor check it out. A LUMP YOU FIND SHOULD NEVER BE IGNORED.

Photos contributed by Tito Freddie and Lola Mitreng. Layout designed by Chino Express Printing & Graphics.